Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

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Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Spike188 »

This 4118AH has done a bit of traveling. It belonged to Doublet who sold it to me non running. I brought it to Ontario the end of May and finally took time to give it a look see. It took about an hour to trace down a faulty neutral start switch. Most of the afternoon was spent tweeking and an hour of mowing before parking it with some of units that have been used here this week.
I robbed parts off of another 4118AH that is to derelict for restoration.
By comparing the two wiring harnesses and doing Ohm test, the no start condition was traced to the 3 connection neutral start switch.
It is in the upper middle of this photo of the derelict tractor.
Another issue is finding the oil leak. I have ruled out the hydraulic system by measuring the oil level in the tank and mowing for a 1/2 hour. The engine oil dropped about a pint in that time.
The odd part is finding oil running down the shroud behind the fuel pump.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where the oil is coming from and why?
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Eugen »

I'm not familiar with the rest of the tractor and location of various parts. But it sure looks like a strange place for hydraulic oil. Maybe it gets squirted there? How about wiping the oil you see now with a paper towel and then running the tractor and moving the attachment lift lever up or down until it squeals to put pressure in the system, at the same time look around to see if oil squirts/leaks anywhere in that area? Wild guesses as far as I'm concerned. :D but they're free
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Doublet »

I am so happy you got it running Sorry about the oil leak but felt sure the engine ran good. Should with a little work make you an excellent tractor. Later Terrry
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by DavidBarkey »

@Spike188 Eugene , the crank case pulse hose is off the back on some of those pumps . It looks like that is the case here . 1 a bad hose connection , and possibly a bad reed valve/spring as well . Pull the side tin off and have a look see. I personally would put a new pulse hose on it clean and test . Check for oil in the breather as well .
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Spike188 »

@Doublet Terry, This tractor has been setting for unused for quite a while so my expectations were not very high. I was surprised at how little time it took to find the cause of the no start. I do have a few of the missing tractor sheet metal parts off of the donor tractor but have discovered what appear to be production changes in some. The wiring harnesses use the same pinouts but the color coding is different. Another difference is with the hydraulic / hi-Neutral-low control cover panel. With the cover in place the range selector does not engage low range fully or have a notch that matches neutral
The H-N-L position on the Oklahoma 4118 does not match the position of the cover on the derelict tractor.
. . Also I only have one of the side cover plates. Do you by any chance have any of those parts kicking around?

It did take about 20 minutes for the engine to smooth out. As @DavidBarkey pointed out this probably nothing more than an 1/4 inch hose issue causing the engine to burp out oil. That is an easy fix.

So far this is going to be a the tractor of choose for Merri.
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Eugen »

Oh sorry, I misunderstood and thought it was the hydraulic oil lower by 1 pint.

If it's engine oil, like Dave said. I had quite some oil dumping too, on my 246, at the breather. One other thing that can cause this is the dipstick doesn't seal properly. My diagnostic procedure at the time was plugging the dipstick hole with a champagne cork plug. :D
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Doublet »

What is model and serial numbers of parts tractor? I don't think I have any parts laying around but will check for you. The operators manual has the best wiring ( colored) diagram in it. I will see if I can find copy of it for you.

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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Spike188 »

Terry, The donor tractor is a 4118AH Sn14172454

Following @DavidBarkeyadvice with the tins removed on the oily side, there is a slight leak from the back side of the fuel pump.

A bad pan gasket is not what I wanted to find. I may try to repair it over the weekend.
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by Timj »

Merri is going to be spoiled with the power steering.
How did it mow?
:geek: Tim
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Re: Oklahoma Ingersoll 4118AH SN14172644

Post by dhitching »

Spike188 wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 11:08 am Another difference is with the hydraulic / hi-Neutral-low control cover panel. With the cover in place the range selector does not engage low range fully or have a notch that matches neutral

The H-N-L position on the Oklahoma 4118 does not match the position of the cover on the derelict tractor.
Have you tried adjusting the detent plate left to right? I found that loosening the detent plate screws and installing it with the transmission in gear and the lever resting in a detent would have everything else lined up when I tightened them up.
There is definitely at least two production variations, but the variation I know of was in the mounting points for the plate itself, and would have prevented you from installing the cover plate at all.

Here's my 4120 (1992) with the "early" cover plate, like yours
Here's my 4020 (1996) with what I believe is the "late" cover plate
This photo of an Eastman-era 3021 with the same style plate as my 4020 would suggest that this is indeed the "late" cover plate design
I guess the "late" variant makes sense, they were able to remove a bend from the part, which saves money on production. I can't find any parts manuals that show this variant though.
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