Is it work or play?

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Spike188 Canada
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Is it work or play?

Post by Spike188 »

A friend need a bit of help moving sand and gravel. Dang it. It took less than an hour.
The first job was moving this pile of pea sand.
It is the fill for a concrete deck and wheel chair ramp. It was dumped into the stemwalled area to support a 4" slab.
The original truck load was dumped at the end of driveway. The remainder of the pile was moved to the foundation edge for back fill later.
Once access to the back yard was gained, a pile of crushed stone could be reached.
That was moved to the far side of the house for a step landing area.

This was the first time I have had a job where the loader was so well suited. Even making 90 degree turns with a full bucket was easier than anticipated.

It was fun.
Spike Colt - 9 & 10, Case - 108, 118, 444, 446, 448, 646, 646bh, Ingersoll 4016, 4118AH
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propane1 Canada
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Re: Is it work or play?

Post by propane1 »

Great seat time. :thumbsup:

JSinMO United States of America
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Re: Is it work or play?

Post by JSinMO »

As far as anyone else is concerned it was work, very hard work! :giggle: We’re the only ones that know how much fun you we’re having! :D
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RoamingGnome Canada
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Re: Is it work or play?

Post by RoamingGnome »

Looks like you had a fun project! Perfect for a little loader :thumbsup:
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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